Ari Tun

Emilia Mikayelyan: “I learned to read and write in Armenian through the “Ari Tun” Program”

As reported Hayern Aysor, Emilia Mikayelyan, who

“Wonderful program, wonderful people, tasty food, tasty water…Thank you, Homeland!”

For years, the “Ari Tun” Program of

Greek-Armenian participant of “Ari Tun” Program: “We live in an Armenian environment at home”

Hayern Aysor continues to talk to the

5th stage of 2017 “Ari Tun” Program kicks off with solemn opening ceremony

On July 17, the Ministry of Diaspora

Elizaveta Ayvazyan: “Tasty food with a “tasty”attitude”

Every year, the “Ari Tun” Program of

Eric Vardanyan: “Thank you, Ministry of Diaspora for the wonderful tours, generosity and tasty food!”

Since June, young Diaspora Armenians have been

Another stage of “Ari Tun” Program draws to an end

On July 14, the “Ari Tun” Camp

Hungarian-Armenian participant of 2017 “Ari Tun” Program: “Whenever I sing with my friends, I feel like a small part of a big Armenian family”

Hanna Abgaryan, 17, is from Hungary and

Syrian-Armenian participant of 2017 “Ari Tun” Program: “Armenians need to fight with not only arms, but also knowledge”

Hayern Aysor– When I say ��?Armenia’, I

Volunteer of 2017 “Ari Tun” Program: “I noticed that the participants became closer at the camp”

Among the participants of the “Ari Tun”

French-Armenian participant of 2017 “Ari Tun” Program: “I speak Armenian better now”

On July 7, the 2nd stage of

Australian-Armenian sisters participating in “Ari Tun” Program: “There is nothing like the taste of Armenian apricots”

Briana and Brenda Kendirian are from Melbourne

“Ari Tun” Program participants hosted in Davtashen Administrative District

On July 11, the representatives of the

Daniel Khachigian: “I think Armenians are loved in the whole world!”

Greek-Armenian Daniel Khachigian, who is 15 years
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