RA Minister of Diaspora receives Mayor of Anjar (Lebanon) Garo Pamboukian
On August 5, RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan received renowned Armenian mayor of Lebanon’s Anjar Garo Pamboukian, accompanied by Gabriel Panosyan, who lives in Armenia, but is originally from Musaler.
Cordially greeting the guests, Minister Hranush Hakobyan emphasized with pride that Anjar is the unique city of Armenians who have maintained the powerful spirit and willpower of their heroic ancestors from Musaler and who live and create like them as well. The minister emphasized that Anjar serves as a brilliant example of the collective unity of all Armenians and affirms that Armenians are invincible when they’re united as one and have the same will.
On behalf of himself and all citizens of Anjar, Garo Pamboukian expressed his deep gratitude to Hranush Hakobyan for her efforts and heartfelt attitude towards the issues concerning them, as well as for her words of appreciation and encouragement. Pamboukian informed the minister that the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the heroic battle of Musa Dagh have already begun. They started from the historic fortress of Anjar and will continue in Anjar, as well as in Armenia and wherever there are Armenians from Musaler. He also informed that there would be exhibitions, book and film presentations, events of homage and commemorative events, marches, conferences and large celebrations.
The sides attached importance to the fact that the Battle of Musa Dagh is one of the most heroic episodes in the history of the Armenian people and that properly marking its 100th anniversary will become of great significance for strengthening the unity of all Armenians and making them more courageous, as well as lifting the spirits of the nation and reinforcing faith in achieving the goals in the future.
Several issues on organizing the celebrations were also discussed.