Parliament of Syria respects memory of Armenian Genocide victims with a moment of silence

During today’s session, Speaker of the Parliament of Syria Mohammad Jihad al-Laham declared the following: “We express our absolute solidarity with the Armenian people, the Armenians in Syria who were subject to collective genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire 100 years ago”, as reported on the website of the Parliament of Syria.

The parliamentary speaker particularly mentioned: “Next month marks the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide, which was perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire against the friendly Armenian people and the Armenians living in Syria who were subject to horrible genocide 100 years ago. Today, we express our full support to them as they commemorate the centennial of an event that was the most horrible event in history. We call on the international community and all nations of the world to fight against those who kill people, cut people’s heads off and terrorize people and those who go against the Middle East so that we can prevent future massacres in the history of mankind and against civilizations.

Dear friends, let us all respect with a moment of silence the memory of the 1.5 million Armenian victims of the painful events that made 1.5 million Armenians become refugees and become dispersed across the globe.”

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