Kazakh-Armenian community: Target for the embarrassing acts of Artyusha Karapetyan

Whenever we talk about the Armenian communities of the Diaspora, we always take precaution, knowing very well that any careless word or criticism may set a barrier between Armenia and the Diaspora and hurt our compatriots living far away from Armenia. Those who don’t know the Armenian Diaspora, lack knowledge of the layers and poles of the Diaspora often complain that there are so-called reserved approaches, but it’s impossible without them because every community also represents Armenia and our nation, and so, criticism can also be used by those who are not our friends.
But it’s not always that we have to keep silent about the unpleasant and dishonorable events that take place in certain Armenian communities. We also can’t keep silent about the situation created in the Armenian community of Kazakhstan since the people are already fed up, the Armenian community is being discredited and different presses have been addressing the situation facing the community for the past two months already. Every Armenian is like a particle of the homeland and the people and a reflection of the nation. Today, many view the leader of the Kazakh-Armenian community Artyusha Karapetyan as a reflection of the Armenian people. Karapetyan assumed the obligations of leader of the community not at the community’s initiative, but at his own and was supported by several forces, particularly the “Homeland” organization, which doesn’t represent the collectiveness of the Armenian community of Kazakhstan. His election, which he calls “unanimous”, was held under pressure, meaning that Karapetyan hasn’t been a reputable leader for a long time now, especially among the Armenians of Almaty. Being a local, he already places himself above everyone else, ignoring the members of the community, particularly those who came to Kazakhstan after the 1990s.
The local presses and online media have addressed the embarrassing and anti-national events taking place within the Armenian community of Kazakhstan several times. We Armenians have kept silent, thinking that Karapetyan will come to his senses and that he won’t violate the properties of the community and particularly the Church. Of course, there have been warnings from the RA Embassy in Kazakhstan and the RA Ministry of Diaspora, but as it appears, such warnings are nothing for Artyusha Karapetyan because he is already hated, as a result of which the representatives of the local Armenian community came together to express their lack of confidence in him and to elect a new leader. However, they didn’t state a claim for his resignation because Artyusha Karapetyan brought his three bodyguards who started threatening the members and terrorizing them. As if this wasn’t enough, Artyusha Karapetyan announced that he will soon be closing down the Saint Karapet Armenian Church…
After al this, Artyusha Karapetyan did something very immoral by not only prohibiting the commemoration of the 99th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, but also violating the people’s freedom of expression. The Armenians of Almaty wanted to hold a commemoration event in the yard of Saint Karapet Church, but Artyusha Karapetyan prohibited the event and brought security officers who got rid of the gathered…Let us mention that Artyusha Karapetyan had threatened to stop the April 24th commemoration ceremony a long time ago, and he kept his word.
It’s clear that only some circles of Turks and Azerbaijanis will be pleased with Artyusha Karapetyan’s actions aimed at prohibiting the event dedicated to the 99th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, but can a person considering himself Armenian really forget the millions of victims and deny the Armenian Genocide for unknown reasons? This wasn’t done at the hands of foreigners, but “the Turk within us”, which has an Armenian name and last name…
Let us remind that in 2004, the members of the Armenian community raised funds to build the Armenian Home in Almaty, and Artyusha Karapetyan also made a nearly 11,000 dollar contribution. However, as it appears, this wasn’t a contribution, but Artyusha Karapetyan’s debt to the community that he had formulated. After all these years, this man demands that the community return his debt, but the community used that money to build the Armenian Home. Karapetyan is demanding not only the 11,000 dollars, but the interest rates as well…Karapetyan says if he doesn’t receive the money, he will take the Armenian Home away from the community and use it for his personal needs. Mnatsakanyan saved the situation by paying 10,000 dollars.
We know that every reader will have a bad impression and will be amazed at the fact that there are such people. Armenian benefactors making hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations will be surprised to find out that an Armenian is ready to take the Armenian Home away from the community for 11,000 dollars…Whether we’re amazed or not, this is the reality.
What is the way out of this situation? How can the Armenian community of Kazakhstan get rid of Artyusha Karapetyan and solve its issues? Of course, Kazakh government officials, guided by the existing legislation, have advised solving the relations in court, but there are other ways besides the court. The first way is for the members of the Armenian Community (as a non-governmental organization) to leave the community, which will lead to the disbandment of the community and the creation of a new one.
Levon Mutafyan