Misha-Armenia’s representative at Junior Eurovision Song Contest-2017: “I am going to the contest with my “army”-the Voices of Artsakh, and I am taking my cross with me”

On November 16, almost all the employees of the Ministry of Diaspora of the Republic of Armenia were in commotion during the visit of Mikayel Grigoryan, the little Armenian of Karabakh who will be representing Armenia at Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2017. Misha was cordially and very generously hosted by the Minister of Diaspora and surrounded by the smiling employees of the Ministry. It seemed as though Misha was in a totally different environment. Everyone wanted to take photos with the talented boy and ask him questions…We journalists were also among them, and I had a short and friendly interview with Mikayel in the editorial office of Hayern Aysor. I asked Misha my questions, some of which were in the dialect of Karabakh, and he replied very cleverly and was well prepared, but he was obviously direct and sincere as a child. The following is the interview with Misha:
Karine Avagyan: My little compatriot, who chose the song that you are going to perform at Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2017? Do you like it?
Mikayel Grigoryan: My producer chose the song, and I really like it. I am rehearsing a lot so that I can perform well and keep the honor of Armenia and the reputation of Artsakh high.
Karine Avagyan: Which song would you like to learn well and present yourself to the world someday?
Mikayel Grigoryan: I would like to perform Michael Jackson’s rendition of Stevie Wonder’s song “Higher Ground”. I have decided that I will definitely learn the song very well.
Karine Avagyan: But that is a difficult song, Mikayel…
Mikayel Grigoryan: Yes, it is, but I don’t like to take an easy path (here Misha said “weak” path, I edited the child’s words).
Karine Avagyan: Can you remember the first song you performed?
Mikayel Grigoryan: I have been singing since I was 4 years old. I remember my first song. It was Robertino Loretti’s rendition of the song “Jamaica”, and I might present myself to audiences with that song someday.
Karine Avagyan: Have you ever tried to compose a song?
Mikayel Grigoryan: Yes, I have. My brother is a pianist. We have composed music for a patriotic song, but we don’t have the lyrics yet (I promised to write the lyrics to that song for Mikayel).
Karine Avagyan: Misha, do you know all of the other contenders? Who do you think can become the top performer?
Mikayel Grigoryan: I know them and know their potential and styles. I think Russia and Australia will be among the leading performers.
Karine Avagyan: Do your classmates ask you to sing during breaks at school?
Mikayel Grigoryan: Yes! In the beginning, they would ask me a lot, but when they saw me on television, they realized that I can’t sing constantly and everywhere I go and that I have to preserve my voice and not get tired.
Karine Avagyan: You spend all your time singing, but you also have to have a childhood, interact with your peers and play in the yard. Do you find the time for yourself?
Mikayel Grigoryan: True, I am very busy, but I manage to interact with my friends and play football with them.
Karine Avagyan: What musical instrument do you play besides the violin?
Mikayel Grigoryan: I also play the piano. I am currently a student of the Voices of Artsakh studio.
Karine Avagyan: Besides you, who else sings in your family?
Mikayel Grigoryan: Everyone! My mother sings the best!
Karine Avagyan: Who will you be traveling to Georgia with? Who will be your “guardian angels?”
Mikayel Grigoryan: I will be leaving with the team from Voices of Artsakh. My producer will also be with me. I will receive energy from him. I am going to the contest with my “army”. I will also be taking my cross with me (Mika shows the cross-chain hanging from his neck).
Karine Avagyan: Besides singing, what do you want to be when you grow up, Misha?
Mikayel Grigoryan: A benefactor! (a small and kind boy) I want to help the homeless and socially disadvantaged people in Artsakh. I want everyone to live the good life. My family does everything for me and I have everything I need, but I really want all children and adults to never live in need of something. I would really like to become a mathematician.
Karine Avagyan: What would you like to wish your peers with your very big heart?
Mikayel Grigoryan: I want them to always be kind and be able to win over evil. In that case, everything will be fine.
Karine Avagyan: When you grow up, will you serve in the Armenian Army? If you had the options of pursuing a career as a singer or serving in the army, which would you choose?
Mikayel Grigoryan: In that case, I will choose to defend the borders of my Homeland and then pursue a singing career. I will defend our borders with song. My father is also a serviceman. I heard the ��?sound of war’ in April of last year. I was born in Artsakh, and I really want Artsakh to always be in peace.
Karine Avagyan: What do you like the most about Artsakh?
Mikayel Grigoryan: I like everything about Artsakh. I like the nature, the dishes (Jengyalov hahts, the sauce of Artsakh, terteruk pastry) and the people of Artsakh.
Karine Avagyan: What do you appreciate in the traits of a person from Artsakh?
Mikayel Grigoryan: The pride, honesty, sincerity and the singing talent.
Karine Avagyan: How do you think the contest will be, Mikayel?
Mikayel Grigoryan: There will be a big competition. Let’s see who wins.
Paying heed to the desire of several employees of the Ministry, the little wonder takes photos with them and performs a small part of Alexey Hekimyan’s song “Karabaghtsin”.
…While Mikayel was singing, he was looking at all of us with the smile of a mischievous boy. We wished the young talented Armenian boy of Karabakh, who considers benevolence a profession (yes, Misha considers this a profession as well, and I directly and indirectly agree with him) success and that he returns to Armenia with a victory.
…May God help you, our little Armenian! May the mountains of Artsakh be your guardians! May the voice of your pure essence and soul capture the hearts of people who will be listening to your song from different corners of the globe and may you earn the highest points!
Karine Avagyan