Hagop Balian: “A journalist needs to be multilaterally developed, impartial, honest and brave to tell the truth”

From October 20 to 25, representatives of well-known media outlets of Armenia and the Diaspora, as well as renowned and merited journalists gave interesting speeches at the 8th Pan-Armenian Forum of Journalists organized by the RA Ministry of Diaspora under the title “Armenian Statehood: Axis of Unity”. They were all mainly concerned about the fact that it is strictly necessary for a journalist to be aware of the material that is posted or broadcast, based on national security interests, as well as the level of experience of a journalist, the quality of a material and the language that is used. I discussed this and other issues with journalist, writer and publicist Hagop Balian for Hayern Aysor.
Karine Avagyan: Mr. Balian, how important do you think these forums are? What are your impressions?
Hagop Balian: You are putting me in a difficult situation. These forums are meetings where there is no equality. The participants are people who are not journalists or publicists. They have limited interests (I’m not talking about everyone). They are at the level of newspapers that are published in districts. They have a hard time discussing issues and, even if they are discussed, they are forgotten the next day. These forums will be helpful, if the materials are distributed to the participants in advance. One of the other drawbacks of populous forums is that it turns into a sort of a rally. Serious issues need to be discussed around a round table. Indeed, I commend this forum.
Karine Avagyan: What do you consider the right kind of journalism and the right working style for a journalist?
H. B.: I will talk about investigative journalism because it presents the truth. I will also talk about the media, which is based on the news. Armenian media outlets, especially in the Diaspora, are the media outlets that receive news via e-mail in their offices. I don’t consider that news. A journalist needs to seek and find news and know what lies behind the piece of news, what happened, how it started and what the reason was. For instance, say a minister resigns. A journalist reports the news and finishes his job. However, he needs to seek and interpret the reason behind the resignation so that the public receives the right information. All news needs to be provided consistently because the right choice is made by people who are provided with the right information.
Karine Avagyan: Mr. Balian, during the forum, the participants talked a lot about the fact that media outlets are equipped with innovative technologies, but nobody expressed concerns about the talent of a journalist, his literacy and the incorrect way of expressing themselves in Armenian…What is your opinion?
H. B.: My position is very clear. Armenian mass media outlets (radio, television, electronic newspapers and media) serve as schools, and it is in those schools that our language is often distorted (of course, this doesn’t refer to everyone). They use English words. How can a person living in a village or province understand the news? After all, why should an average Armenian try to understand it? In the past, the copy of the newspaper would be published, the proofreader would read the whole newspaper, make corrections and then publish the newspaper and distribute it to the people. Nowadays, there is no more proofreading. Someone uses an Arab word, another person uses a French word…this is not the way to go! The language used by the mass media is not under supervision. This can’t go on like this! There is a need for a state policy! One of my recommendations is to inspect the language of media. Language is identity. When a journalist speaks and writes in correct and beautiful Armenian, that journalist gains the trust and admiration of the people.
Karine Avagyan: What features should a journalist have?
H. B.: A journalist needs to have the God-given talent of creating and writing, be brave and broad-minded in order to tell the truth and talk about injustice. A journalist has to be honest and impartial! This is my understanding of a genuine journalist.
Karine Avagyan: Thank you, Mr. Balian for your thoughts on journalism and journalists. Your words truly came from your soul. I think it is also instructive in the best sense.
Karine Avagyan