2016 “Diaspora” Summer School Program: Diaspora Armenian teachers meet with staff of High School #119 of Yerevan

On July 14, the participants of the Training Course for Teachers of Armenian Language and Literature and Organizers of Education, which is part of the “Diaspora” Summer School Program of the RA Ministry of Diaspora, had a meeting with the staff of Beniamin Zhamkochyan High School #119 of Yerevan at Yerevan State University.
As reported Hayern Aysor, the Diaspora Armenian teachers and organizers of education were greeted by Principal Hovhannes Karapetyan, who presented the history and activities of the school and had presented an interesting slide show that the attendees watched very attentively and with great excitement.
Hovhannes Karapetyan stated that the school was with French bias and that it was highly focused on teaching foreign languages. He also talked about the achievements of the schoolchildren.
The Diaspora Armenian teachers were especially interested in how they could collaborate with the school and establish contacts. In response to their questions, Hovhannes Karapetyan stated that the school was open for everyone and was ready to collaborate.
The school’s programs and achievements motivated the Diaspora Armenian teachers so much that, in an interview with Hayern Aysor, they stated that they would use that experience in the schools of their respective countries of residence upon their return. The guests also presented the books that their respective schools have published.
The school administration bid the teachers farewell and donated children’s Bibles for the Diaspora Armenian schoolchildren.
Lusine Grigoryan
Volunteer for the “Diaspora” Summer School Program, student of the Department of Diaspora Studies of the Faculty of History at Yerevan State University