Dr. Muhammad Refaat Al Imamշ « The turks won the discrace of humanity»

In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, under the patronage of the Central Committee of Armenian Genocide Centennial Commemoration of Lebanon, the AGBU- AYA, Antranik Cultural and Environmental Association held a lecture evening at the AGBU-Demirjian center.Keynote speaker was egyptian historian Dr. Muhammad Refaat Al Imam.
Arin Ghazarian welcomed the audience. Member of Lebanese parliament Shant Chinchinian briefly spoke about Dr. Imams works. Dr. Muhammad Refaat Al Imam described the Armenian and arab people’s struggle under the ottoman empire. «After the mass murder of the Armenians and the tyranny against the arab people, the turks won the disgrace of humanity». concluded the historian.
At the end of the lecture, the chairman of AYA central committee mr. Vicken Cherchian presented a souvenir to Dr. Muhammad Refaat Al Imam.