Islamized Armenians in the spotlight

The “Ari Tun” Program is not only becoming more and more substantial and interesting, but is also growing in terms of the age of participants, including all sectors of the multi-layered Armenian Diaspora. This year’s program is different in that the organizers will make an exception and will host nearly 30 Islamized Armenians living in Diyarbekir (Tigranakert) during the 6th stage (3-16 August) without any age limit. These Islamized Armenians have been detached from Armenian identity, language and culture for a long time and are few of the several Islamized Armenians in Turkey for whom the time has come to return to their roots.
After 1915, for many years, the issue of Islamized Armenians was a taboo and was swept under the carpet, and many were afraid of discovering the Armenian within them in order to avoid the Turkish authorities’ persecutions. However, things turned around in the past couple of years. The murder of Hrant Dink served as impetus for many Islamized Armenians to stand up, raise their voices about their identity and try to reveal their origin and culture, without which they can no longer live. The identity issue is especially becoming important now since for many, the time has come to return to the roots and since the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide is making many people understand the great tragedy that took place in the early 20th century, the reasons behind it and do everything possible to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
The RA Ministry of Diaspora has opened its doors to the youth who already realize that their Homeland is Armenia and that Armenian is their native language. Due to that, the ministry responded to the request of the youth of Diyarbekir and acted as a mediator to organize their visit to Armenia so that they could stay with their peers and become familiar with the land of their ancestors. These youth (and their elders) will be visiting Armenia soon. The ministry has organized special programs that are essentlally different from the already traditional programs and events carried out during the “Ari Tun” Program for homeland recognition.
The ministry is impatiently waiting for the inheritors of our compatriots having become Islamized by a twist of fate and those who, after a while, will take pride in saying that they are Armenian.