“If you don’t know what’s happening in Kessab, don’t let history repeat itself”-Kim Kardashian. NEWS.am

As already informed, on the morning of March 21, members of the Syrian oppositionist Jebhat An-Nusra terrorist group attacked the Armenian-populated state of Latakia from four points. The group entered from Turkey. The Armenians of Syria’s Armenian-populated city of Kessab have called on all Armenians with the request to address the authorities of their countries of residence, the United Nations or other organizations to intervene.

The Save Kessab call is gaining momentum online, particularly on Twitter and Instagram, and celebrity Kim Kardashian is part of the action. She has called on the subscribers of her microblog to spread news about the events taking place in Kessab.

“If you don’t know what’s happening in Kessab, please visit Google. This is a tragedy. I’m Armenian. Since childhood, I have been told a lot about similar tragedies that have taken place throughout the history of the Armenian people. Don’t let history repeat itself. I pray for everyone,” wrote Kardashian by using the SaveKessab and ArmenianGenocide  hashtags.


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