Narine Davtyan: “I listened to my heart when I was choosing Artsakh for investments”
The investment policy sector is also in the focus of the Ministry of Diaspora of the Republic of Armenia with respect to the investments of Diaspora Armenians. On that occasion, the Ministry organized a roundtable discussion devoted to the investments that Diaspora Armenians have made in Armenia. Each of the participating 40 businessmen has been able to best promote the creation of jobs in Armenia with his or her respective investment policy. They make investments in various areas, but their desire is to help the Homeland in some way. They are interested and have a common interest. One of those businesspeople is Russia-based Armenian businesswoman Narine Davtyan, who gave an interview for Hayern Aysor. She has chosen to make investments in Artsakh and has been working there for many years.
“We have been starting various kinds of businesses in Karabakh for over twelve years and haven’t been taking any profit since I use the profits to help my business grow and expand. We carry out various social programs and give pensions. I have high hopes with the new Prime Minister. This is one of the last opportunities. We need to take steps to help restore Armenian economy. We want to carry out a new project that is more like a charity. We want to gather products from producers, purchase them at wholesale prices and distribute them to multi-member and socially disadvantaged families. I really want my daughter and son-in-law to move from Moscow to Armenia and start a business, but I want them to be involved in the field of science. Generally speaking, my family and I make big investments in Armenia. Over the past twelve years, we have made investments worth $2,000,000 in Artsakh. In the Russian Federation, we have a wholesale store for commodities and products and accessories for villas and plots of land and two small factories near Moscow and in Krasnodar. We have contracts with trading networks in Russia and supply them with necessary products. In a couple of days, my daughter and son-in-law will come here so that we can develop a new project. We want to create a children’s club in Karabakh so that children can have a good time and have a place where they can organize birthday parties and other beautiful events. It is very important for people to have a great desire to make investments, and there are many territories in which those investments can be made. I chose Artsakh upon my desire. I am also involved in the solutions to Syrian-Armenians’ issues, and Teresa Mkhitaryan is in charge of Tavush Province. I believe the most fruitful achievement is the investments that I have made for the pre-school because the children who leave the pre-school can immediately be transferred to the second or third grades. We have over 30 employees in Artsakh. Many have been provided with jobs and are able to maintain their families. For nearly two years, we have been granting $100 pensions to 12 socially disadvantaged families and good students. We have also helped the orphanage. Over the past year, I have been spending more time in Armenia and Artsakh than elsewhere. I must also say that we organized my daughter’s wedding in Karabakh. We could have selected another place, but we preferred Artsakh. I listened to my heart and the sound of my soul. The first time I visited Artsakh was at the invitation of singer/songwriter Artur Grigoryan and fell in love with Artsakh. Later, I decided to make my investments in this marvelous country. I urge my fellow Diaspora Armenians to make investments in Armenia for the benefit of Armenia’s economic development and the welfare of Armenians. This is also a unique manifestation of patriotism. In some way, an investment is also charity that our people really need.”
Interview by Karine Avagyan