Armenian PM: “It is necessary to revitalize cooperation between Armenia’s ministries and government agencies for more effective engagement of Diaspora Armenians’ potential”

For the purpose of more effective engagement of the potential of Diaspora Armenians in various sectors for the development of the Republic of Armenia, Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Karen Karapetyan has stated that it is necessary to revitalize the cooperation between the ministries and government agencies of the Republic of Armenia. For that purpose, the Prime Minister has assigned RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan to join the heads of all executive bodies and develop, within a one-month period, a plan to deepen the bilateral cooperation between well-known Diaspora Armenian specialists and managers and their respective organizations.

The head of government assigned the RA Minister of Education and Science and the RA Minister of Diaspora to develop, within a two-month period, a joint program to support the solution to the educational issues facing Armenians abroad, prepare specialists for Armenian schools abroad, raise the level of teaching of Armenian for young Armenians, organize the preparation and training of teachers for Armenian schools abroad, develop new, including electronic textbooks and instructional programs for Armenian schools abroad, as well as undertake measures to deepen and coordinate the bilateral cooperation between Diaspora Armenian scholars and their respective organizations and the universities and research institutions in Armenia.

The RA Minister of Economic Development and Investments and the RA Minister of Diaspora were assigned to transmit, within a one-week period, the current investment projects to Diaspora Armenian businessmen through the RA Ministry of Diaspora and inform Diaspora Armenian businessmen about all the platforms of the RA Ministry of Economic Development and Investments and always maintain the relations.

The RA Minister of Culture, RA Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs and RA Minister of Diaspora were assigned to develop, within a two-month period, joint youth, cultural and athletic programs to assist in the preservation of the Armenian identity abroad and make Armenia more recognized through the dissemination of Armenian culture and propaganda of Armenian values.

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