Armenian history teacher of Ninotsminda Samvel Putulyan awarded with “Ambassador of the Mother Language” Medal of the RA Ministry of Diaspora

The Rafael Javakh Educational and Cultural Center of Ninotsminda solemnly celebrated the 75th birth anniversary of Armenian history teacher Samvel Putulyan, who has dedicated his entire life to the grand task of providing Armenian children of Javakhk with an Armenian education. The Master of Ceremonies was Director of the Center Zhora Snkhchyan, and Priest Armash Poghosyan gave his blessing. Guy and Saro Gharslyan, Haiastan Ispiryan and Zheya Antonyan expressed their kind congratulatory remarks. The members of the Center performed numbers, sang, danced and recited for their teacher, as reported the press divan of the Cultural Center to Hayern Aysor.

During the festive ceremony, Zhora Snkhchyan awarded Putulyan with the “Ambassador of the Mother Language” Medal of the RA Ministry of Diaspora and congratulated him on behalf of Minister Hranush Hakobyan. The ceremony ended with a reception.

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