German Turk MP: “The Bundestag will recognize the Armenian Genocide on 2 June”
Co-Chair of Germany’s The Green Party (Die Grune) Cem Özdemir is certain that the Bundestag will recognize the Armenian Genocide on June 2, 2016. As reported the Turkish service of Deutsche Welle, Özdemir touched upon the topic during DW TV’s Conflict Zone program, stating that The Green Party is doing everything it can to make sure the German government acknowledges the fact that the killings of hundreds of thousands of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire in 1915 was genocide.
“On June 2, after denying the Armenian Genocide for 100 consecutive years, the federal parliament of Germany must decide that what happened was genocide and that Germany, as an ally to the Ottoman Empire, also bears certain liability for that,” the Member of Parliament said, according to
Özdemir also stated that the draft of the resolution on recognition of the Armenian Genocide was drafted by The Green Party and the Christian-Democratic Party.
Let us mention that last year, the Bundestag also introduced a resolution envisaging recognition of the Armenian Genocide, but the parliamentary groups of Germany’s Christian Democratic Union Party (CDU/CSU) and the Social Democratic Party (SPD) had hindered adoption of that resolution.
Let us also remind that President of Germany Joaquim Gauck and Speaker of the Bundestag Norbert Lammert recognized the Armenian Genocide in their speeches devoted to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide last year.