RA Minister of Diaspora meets with participants of “Diaspora” Summer School Program and teacher training courses of RA MES

On July 21, Minister of Diaspora of the Republic of Armenia Hranush Hakobyan had a meeting with the participants of the Accelerated Armenian Language Course and the Training Course for Armenian Language Teachers and Organizers of Education (part of the “Diaspora” Summer School Program), as well as the participants of the teacher training course organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia.
Minister Hranush Hakobyan touched upon the history of the formation of the Armenian Diaspora. “From the very first days of the establishment of the Ministry, we have worked with the “Know, Trust, Cooperate” formula. Our main objectives are to foster preservation of the Armenian identity in the Diaspora, as well as identify the potential of all Armenians and use that potential for Armenia’s empowerment. You can refer the parents of the children attending your respective schools to Armenia so that they can make investments in Armenia, gain profits and support our country’s economic development at the same time,” she stated.
The Minister of Diaspora presented the seven priorities that will be implemented through the efforts of each and every Armenian. “The seven priorities are Armenia’s empowerment, settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in favor of our compatriots, international recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide, self-organization of Armenian communities of the Diaspora, protection and preservation of the Armenian language, support to Armenians in emergency situations and efforts to protect the Armenian Church,” the Minister stated and added the following: “Armenia is the Homeland of all Armenians. Welcome home.”
The Minister also talked about the global, regional and domestic challenges facing Armenia and stated that progress is constant in a world that is globalizing and becoming smaller and smaller every day. She noted that the structure preserving the Armenian identity in the Diaspora is first and foremost the Armenian school, which carries out its serious task thanks to the dedication of teachers and administration.
Touching upon the partnership between Armenia and the Diaspora, the Minister of Diaspora emphasized the following: “We established the dual citizenship institute, and today, thousands of citizens proudly obtain their passports that certify citizenship of the Republic of Armenia. We have also set the objective to consolidate the potential of professional Armenians of the Diaspora, and for that we have organized pan-Armenian professional forums, which have led to the creation of pan-Armenian professional networks and institutions, the members of which meet on a regular basis, develop joint projects and try to carry them out.”
Afterwards, the participants of the summer school program watched a video devoted to the programs and projects of the Ministry and asked the Minister their questions.
The participants expressed gratitude to Minister Hranush Hakobyan for the comprehensive and exhaustive lecture and promised to do everything they can to use the knowledge and experience gained in the Homeland effectively in their respective countries of residence.