Kazakh-Armenian community celebrates International Children’s Defense Day

The Armenian community of Almaty wait impatiently for the “red” days marked on the calendar, that is, the days for Armenians to gather and celebrate the state and national holidays of the nation together, and International Children’s Defense Day was no exception. On June 1, at the initiative of Masis Armenian Union, Amure Entertainment Center hosted a children’s festival during which the guest animators, dance instructors and choirmasters hosted dance, karaoke and painting master classes, a fashion show and various games for the children.

As reported Vice-President of Masis Union of Armenians of Kazakhstan Aram Navasardyan told Hayern Aysor, at the end of the festival, the leaders of the local Armenian community presented the children with Armenian-language books, Armenian alphabet books and Armenian commemorative gifts. Arax Armenian Dance Group performed for the participants of the event. Recently, the dance group gave a concert in the concert hall and military unit of the Military-Engineering Institute for Radio Electronics and Communication at the Ministry of Defense of Kazakhstan and geared all proceeds towards the children of orphanages and those of veterans of the War in Afghanistan.

As a token of appreciation, Masis Cultural Center of the Union of Armenians of Kazakhstan and Arax Armenian Dance Group were awarded certificates. In fact, this certificate was the eighth award that Masis Armenian Union has received this year.

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