Gonzalo Hernández Guarch to release Armenian Genocide book “Armenian Will” in the U.S.

Spanish writer Gonzalo Hernández Guarch will be releasing his book “Armenian Will” in the USA. The book was recently released by Thaddée Publishing House in Paris, elalmeria.es reports, according to Hayern Aysor.
Gonzalo Guarch’s book “White Mountain”, which was edited by Yerevan State University, will also be released in April. On May 1, Hernandez Guarch will participate in the presentation of the French version of the book in Geneva.
The novel “Armenian Will”, which is about the motives behind the Armenian Genocide of 1915 and the experiences of the eyewitnesses, was released in Spain in 2006 and has also been translated into Russian.
This novel is a part of the trilogy about the Armenian Genocide.
Gonzalo Guarch has also written the books entitled “Armenian Tree” and “White Mountain”.