The sad “words” heard when the Armenian duduk is played

Muhammad Emin Almasri writes the following:

“Armenia will be commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in April. The crime committed in the Ottoman Empire took the lives of 1.5 million Armenians.

After this catastrophe, the Armenian people have consistently preserved all the details of those painful events that Turkey makes efforts to deny and avoid taking responsibility for. As a result, new genocides took place in different parts of the world.

Ahead of the 100th anniversary, Yerevan and the whole world are making efforts to have the world recognize the Armenian Genocide.

The Armenians still remember the victims with great sorrow. Even the Armenians’ most popular musical instrument, the duduk, which is very similar to the Egyptian “nai”, is an instrument used to play sad songs and awakens the feeling of pain in the souls of listeners, as published in Egypt’s Al Ahram newspaper, according to Hayern Aysor.

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