Another state official to be interrogated over Dink murder

Reshat Altay, who was head of security in Trabizon at the time of the murder of editor-in-chief of Istanbul’s Agos Weekly Hrant Dink, has been called to an interrogation over the murder, reports the Turkish, according to “ArmenPress”.

This week Altay will testify at the Caglayan Palace of Justice of Istanbul. It is also reported that released convict Erhan Tuncel and convict Yasin Hayal will also be called to interrogations.

According to the Turkish Evrensel, prosecutor of the Bureau for Terrorism and Organized Crimes of Istanbul Yusuf Hakke Dogan, who is examining the case, interrogated police officer, “suspect” Bahar Tekin on December 8. During the interrogation, Tekin denied all allegations against him.

Bahar Tekin was one of the nine officials who, according to the decision of the Turkish Ministry of Justice, could be called to interrogations.

Within the frames of revision of Dink’s case, Ali Fuat Ylmazer, who was head of division of the investigation department of Istanbul’s Police during the committal of the murder, was also called to an interrogation. During the interrogation, Ylmazer declared that the source for Dink’s murder was former General Veli Kucuk, who was involved in the Ergenekon case.

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