2014-15 Academic Year kicks off at Gavar State University

On September 1, according to tradition, Gavar State University hosted an event dedicated to Knowledge and Scholastics Day, which was attended by RA Minister of Diaspora, President of the board of Gavar State University Hranush Hakobyan, Commander of the Second Army Corps at the RA Ministry of Defense, Major-General Poghos Poghosyan, lecturers and professors of GSU, students and administration, as well as parents and guests.

The fourth-year students of GSU presented the first-year students with the symbolic key to the world of knowledge, after which the first-year students having gotten accepted to the University with high scores were granted the book Pages from the History of the Foundation of Gavar State University by the founding rector of GSU, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor Hrant Hakobyan.

The first-year students also took part in a solemn oath ceremony.

GSU Rector Ruzanna Hakobyan cordially congratulated everyone on Knowledge and Scholastics Day and wished them success in their studies.

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