Armen Budaghyan: “Armenians have managed to leave a trace in Singapore…”
Seeking traces of Armenians everywhere is a national trait. On any occasion, we Armenians start seeking last names that end with the “yan” and dig deep to find famous persons’ biographies…Sometimes we go to the extreme, but very often the Armenian presence is so lively that the only thing left for us to do is to be amazed, feel proud and…feel pity…
This time we followed the traces that led us to Southeast Asia, that is, Singapore to meet with Singapore-based businessman, member of the Armenian community Armen Budaghyan.
Armen Budaghyan: I have been living in Singapore for six years already after having lived and worked in New Zealand for a long time.
There are only nearly 80 Armenians in Singapore, but they stand united as one. We all know each other. What brings us together is the Saint Gregory the Illuminator Church, which is the oldest Christian church in Singapore. It was built in 1835 and consecrated in 1836 and is located between Singapore’s largest Hill Avenue and Armenia Street. The Saint Gregory the Illuminator Church is a National Historical Monument. The architect is Irishman George Colman. The church is one of Colman’s most famous works.
Unfortunately, the church is inactive due to the small community and the difficulty with keeping a clergyman. We try to invite a guest spiritual pastor once or twice a year to perform a church ritual. The doors of the church are always open because, as I said, this is a historical monument and is indicated on all the maps of Singapore.
There are several tombstones in the Garden of Remembrance. If the readers are interested about the church, they can visit our website at We also have a virtual tour that will help visitors “tour” the church.
We will be celebrating the Church’s 180th anniversary in March 2015.
We plan on placing a cross-stone in the churchyard on April 24th.
“Hayern Aysor”: Mr. Budaghyan, all this (and not only) goes to show that the Armenians have left a trace in Singapore. Could you tell us a little about that?
A. B.: Armenians settled in Singapore in the late 18th century. They were mainly from Malaysia, India and New Julfa. The Armenian community has always been small, but the Armenians have managed to play an important role in the community and have left a trace in Singapore.
It’s a fact that the Ruffles Hotel is one of the well-known and beautiful hotels in Singapore and the world. The luxury hotel was built in 1887 and was founded by the Brothers Sargsyan, who had a large chain of hotels. To this day, the Eastern Oriental Hotel remains standing on the Penank Peninsula in Malaysia, and the hotel’s conference halls are named after Arshak and Tigran Sargsyan. Their Strant Hotel is located in Birma.
Armenian women have also made their contributions to the country. The orchid is considered the symbol of Singapore. It was created by Ashkhen Hovakimyan (Agnes Johakim) and is named in her honor-Miss Vanda Johakim. Her tombstone is located in the yard of the Armenian church.
“Hayern Aysor”: The community has had rich traditions. Why weren’t they developed?
A. B.: After WWII, most Armenians moved to Australia, New Zealand. The Armenians who remained in Singapore weren’t able to get their lives back on track.
The Armenians living in Singapore today are from different countries. Some families have moved from Armenia. They are mainly musicians, chess coaches, high technology experts, businessmen and financiers. Most of them move to other countries after living in Singapore for a couple of years.
“Hayern Aysor”: How does the community solve the issue of preservation of the Armenian language?
A. B.: We gather and communicate with each other once every two months. We organize national events, during which the Armenian Heritage Ensemble performs for us. We try to do our best to preserve the Armenian identity. During the events, we speak to each other in Armenian. Due to reasons beyond our control, we don’t have a school. There are few children. In 2010 and 2011, 7 Armenian children were born in Singapore. It was a great pleasure, but at the same time it was rare, especially in the past couple of years.
You know, if parents speak in Armenian at home, the child will be fluent. Of course, the child will have problems with reading and writing in Armenian, but that also depends on the parents. For instance, I would love to have my children not only know how to speak in Armenian, but also grow up as Armenians. I have two children. True, they’re still little, but I do everything I can to make sure they are connected to Armenia. If an Armenian child growing up abroad becomes detached from the Armenian identity, it will be much more difficult for his or her future generations.
I always have a ��?kind’ jealousy when I see other communities where our compatriots have been able to open schools and have been preserving the Armenian identity for centuries. It’s clear that it mainly depends on the size of the community. When I was living in New Zealand, there were nearly 150 Armenians. There was an Armenian Sunday school and the children could not only learn Armenian, but could also communicate with each other in the language.
“Hayern Aysor”: Are there mixed marriages?
A. B.: Yes, but there are few families like that. For instance, my wife is Russian.
“Hayern Aysor”: What language do your children speak in?
A. B.: They speak Russian and Armenian.
“Hayern Aysor”: Does your wife know Armenian?
A. B.: She understands the language, but is ashamed to speak. My mother lives with us, and that’s also important for my children’s Armenian upbringing. Grandmothers play a huge role in Armenians’ lives in the Diaspora. There is a person in our community who is half-Armenian. When we asked him how he learned Armenian, he says his grandmother taught him.
Diaspora Armenians believe they will return to Armenia someday, but they don’t know when that day will come. Until then, irrespective of difficulties, Armenians have to try to maintain their type.
Interview by Lusine Abrahamyan