Naira Karapetyan’s statement on Kessab at the

On Mar. 21, terrorist groups linked to Al-Qaeda penetrated from Turkey and attacked the ancient, Armenian-populated city of Kessab located in northwestern Syria and the surrounding 12 villages. This is what member of the Armenian delegation Naira Karapetyan announced during the PACE Sitting on Apr. 7.
The statement reads as follows:
“More than 700 Armenian families of Kessab were moved to the relatively safe Latakia with the help of the community of Kessab. Unfortunately, elder Armenians had to stay in Kessab due to lack of ability to move.
Three days after the events, a group of deputies and I visited Latakia and met with the families that have taken shelter at the local Armenian church. The families say the extremists destroyed Christian churches and caused damage to the peaceful civilians’ properties.
Armenians have lived in Kessab for centuries, but there are also families that settled here a century ago in an attempt to escape the Armenian Genocide. Now, nearly a century after the horrible days of 1915, are in another nightmare and are being forced to move. People have left their homes without being able to take their documents. They only took the clothes that they were wearing. The church might stop helping them soon since there won’t be any more sources. Believe me when I say that it’s a horrible sight-men, women, children and the elderly have taken shelter, lack hygiene and are at risk of contracting viruses and diseases. They don’t even have hope to return to their homes.
The situation is nothing but violation of human rights and fundamental liberties, the infringement of all international treaties on human rights, including international humanitarian law. It should be mentioned that all Armenians have raised their voices about the issue of Kessab, but unfortunately, it’s not only about the Armenians, but the Christians or other ethnic minorities in several other villages. They have also been attacked by the same forces and moved.
Taking the opportunity of speaking here, we urge the international community and international organizations to support the ethnic and religious minorities that have found themselves in extreme conditions due to the armed conflict in Syria and have become the main target.
Since the humanitarian crisis continues, we attach great importance to having an impact on the Turkish government and urging the government to stop providing territory for terrorist groups. The application of force against peaceful civilians must be strictly condemned, irrespective of ethnic belonging and religious affiliation.”