Vicar of Prelacy of Bulgarian-Armenian Diocese expressed gratitude to Swiss Ambassador

Vicar of the Prelacy of the Bulgarian-Armenian Diocese of the Armenian Holy Apostolic Church, Archimandrite Abgar Hovakimyan has sent an official letter to Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Switzerland to Bulgaria Regina Asher, expressing his and the Bulgarian-Armenian community’s gratitude for and satisfaction with the Swiss government’s decision to appeal the infamous ruling of the European Court of Human Rights in relation to Perincek’s case in Grand Chamber of the ECHR, reports the press divan of the Bulgarian-Armenian Diocese.


“With this letter, on behalf of the Bulgarian-Armenian Diocese of the Armenian Holy Apostolic Church, we express our gratitude for and satisfaction with the Swiss government for the above mentioned decision,” as stated in the letter.


His Holiness welcomes the Swiss government’s attitude against genocide denial. “The Swiss government’s decision goes to show its position against genocide denial for the elimination of discrimination and intolerance and for the prevention of crimes against humanity,” as stated in the letter of the Vicar.

In the end, His Holiness conveyed his blessings to the people of fraternal Switzerland, the government and Her Excellency Ambassador Regina Asher.


Armenian news portal (BULGARIA)



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