Hagop Vahram Çerçiyan authored Ataturk’s signature

Manuscript specialist Hagop Vahram Çerçiyan authored the signature of founder of the Republic of Turkey, General Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

The Turkish Haberler.com has presented the story of the creation of Ataturk’s signature by referring to the memories of Hagop’s son, Tigran Çerçiyan.

The website reports that in 1934, the Deputies of the Turkish Mejlis decide to dedicate a sample of a beautiful signature to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk after the law on Turkish last names is adopted and the “Ataturk” last name is given to Mustafa Kemal.

At the time, Ataturk’s addresses Çerçiyan through the police chief of one of the districts of Istanbul.

Çerçiyan had taught at Rober College (modern-day Bogazic University of Istanbul) for a long time and had specialized in manuscript studies at Palmer Method School in the 1920s.

Çerçiyan draws 5 samples of a signature for Ataturk, who chooses the 5th example portrayed in the picture, writes Ermenihaber.am.

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