Hagop Panossian visits Armenian State University of Economics

Director of the Los Angeles-based ARPA Institute Hagop Panossian was hosted at the Armenian State University of Economics today. Panossian visited the University under the initiative of the RA Ministry of Diaspora with the purpose of presenting the Institute’s annual Innovation Competition, as well as the terms and conditions of the competition and the awards.
Among the participants of the meeting were Rector of the Armenian State University of Economics Koryun Atoyan, Pro-Rector for Science and International Relations Gagik Vardanyan, Head of the Research Division at the Ministry of Diaspora Eliz Gevorgyan, Director of Amberd Research Center Samvel Avetisyan, deans, professors, university staff members, as well as undergraduate, graduate and PhD students.
Koryun Atoyan greeted the gathered, introduced the guest and gave the floor to him. Hagop Panossian gave a historical background of the Institute, presented the Institute’s mission, programs and competitions, as well as the terms and conditions of the Innovation Competition. According to Panossian, the competition is for university students and is aimed at promoting them in different fields of science. The goal of the competition is to strengthen the working relations between undergraduate, graduate and PhD students and their professors and to create new products in Armenia. Generally speaking, the program is aimed at encouraging the development of programs for innovations that can be labeled or innovative programs in Armenia, as well as sparking interest in technology, economic management and inventing. The top four winners will receive 2,000 dollars (1st place), 1,000 dollars (2nd place), 600 dollars (3rd place) and 400 dollars (4th place).
For more information about the Innovation Competition and terms and conditions, please visit ARPA Institute’s official website at www.arpainstitute.org.