Armenian Assembly Of America Congratulates Armenia On 25 Years Of Independence

On September 21, the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) celebrates the 25th anniversary of Armenia’s independence.

The Assembly was actively involved in the drive to independence in the years preceding September 21, 1991. The Assembly opened its office in Yerevan immediately after the December 1988 earthquake and played a major role in spearheading U.S. assistance to the people of Armenia. The Assembly also provided facilities for the official representation of the new republic before the formal opening of an embassy in Washington.

In a letter to Armenia’s president, Assembly Board of Trustees Co-Chairs Anthony Barsamian and Van Krikorian stated, “On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Armenia, the Armenian Assembly of America extends our heartfelt congratulations to you, the people of Armenia, and Armenians around the world.”

“We recall with pride the unity shown on this day 25 years ago and salute everyone who contributed to the successful drive to independence. Today, as we reflect on the challenges Armenia has overcome and the indomitable spirit of our people, we reaffirm our non-partisan support for Armenia’s continued economic and democratic development. Such support, we believe, is best for Armenia and best for the diaspora,” Barsamian and Krikorian continued.

President Barack Obama in his message stated “On behalf of the United States, I congratulate you and the people of Armenia as you celebrate 25 years of independence this September 21.

The United States has been a steadfast partner of Armenia from the first days of its independence. We remain committed to the promise of those early years, when Armenians proudly raised their tricolor flag for the first time since 1920. Today, we again affirm our belief that a secure, prosperous, and democratic Armenia is essential for the security for the Armenian people and for the region more broadly.

We thank Armenia for its support of our shared goals, particularly its response to the Syrian refugee crisis and its contributions to global peacekeeping operations and nuclear security. We will continue to work together to help Armenia realize its full potential.”

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry issued a statement on September 19, pointing out America’s “warm friendship” with Armenia. “On behalf of President Obama and the American people, I want to extend my congratulations to the people of Armenia as you celebrate the 25th anniversary of your nation’s independence on September 21,” Kerry said. “The United States deeply values its warm friendship with Armenia and with all of you. In the past quarter century, Armenia has made great progress, and my government looks forward to continuing to work closely with you in support of shared prosperity, strong democratic institutions, the rule of law, and regional peace.” Kerry also thanked Armenia’s leading role in responding to the Syrian refugee crisis and highlighted the “vibrant and highly-accomplished Armenian-American community.”

The U.S. government has been supporting the Republic of Armenia’s development since its independence from the Soviet Union. In 1991, U.S. Representatives Wayne Owens (D-UT), F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R-WI), Richard Lehman (D-CA), and Michael McNulty (D-NY) traveled to Armenia to represent Congress as observers to the Armenian Independence Referendum. At a press conference on September 22, 1991 organized by the Assembly’s Yerevan office, the Congressmen commented on their assessment of the election and said they planned to urge then-President George H.W. Bush to grant formal U.S. recognition of Armenia.

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