Minister of Diaspora meets with American-Armenian painter Daniel Varoujan Hejinian

On September  the Republic of Armenia’s Minister of Diaspora Hranoush Hakobyan met with America-Armenian painter Daniel Varoujan Hejinian who is in Armenia to take part in the 25-th Anniversary celebrations of the independences of Armenia and Artsakh.


Welcoming her guest warmly, the Minister thanked the diasporan artist for supporting the Homeland, for his principled stance as a pioneer of its development and the projects he undertakes in the United States of America in support of the Armenian nation. Hranoush Hakobyan expressed her gratitude for the banners he places on the main crossroads in Massachusetts since 1996 commemorating the Armenian Genocide. This year Daniel Varoujan Hejinian displayed 101 banners without interruptions, reminding the public of the indisputable historic fact of the Armenian Genocide, and calling for its recognition, condemnation of the criminal and claiming compensation.


The Minister noted: “Dear Daniel Varoujan, as the son of a family that survived the Genocide and found refuge in Syria, you heard the stories of the horrible massacres since childhood and withnessed it through the eyes of your parents. Your artworks “Hands of the mother” and “Mother cross stone” are a proof of that as they are dedicated to the memory of one and a half million victims of the Armenian Genocide. It’s not in vain that you bear the name of the great martyred poet. If Daniel Varoujan presented the pain and desires of the Armenians with his reed pen, you do it with your brush.”


The Disporan artist expressed his gratitude for the warm reception and assured, that the energy he is getting from the festive atmosphere and from Armenia as a whole will drive new creative ideas in him and become factors in initiating new projects.

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