German government to not make concessions for Armenian Genocide resolution
Germany’s official representative Steffen Zeinbert has commented on the news that the German government is ready to make concessions to Turkey and reject the German Bundestag’s resolution on the Armenian Genocide.
“That is out of the question. The German Bundestag has the right and opportunity to express its view on any topic, if it considers it appropriate. The German government supports and defends that sovereign right of the German parliament,” Zeinbert informed, as reported DW, according to Artsakhpress.
Zeinbert also stressed that the government doesn’t have the powers to intervene in the affairs of another branch of government and assess its actions in any way. He added that the Bundestag’s resolution has no legal force.
The spokesman of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a statement making it clear that German Minister of Foreign Affairs Frank-Walter Steinmeier has personally supported the resolution. On that same day, Foreign Minister Steinmeier informed that “the Bundestag has the right and freedom to express its view on political issues” following his meeting with NATO Secretary General Ens Stoltenberg. However, according to Steinmeier, the Members of the German Bundestag stated that not all resolutions have legal force. Steinmeier kept silent about the position of the government on this.
Earlier, on 2 September, the newspaper informed that the German government intended to make a political gesture to Ankara so that the German authorities could visit German soldiers at NATO’s Injirlik military air base located in Turkey. According to the magazine, the German Ministry of Foreign Afairs and the chancellor’s agency agreed that Zeinbert would speak to the presses and make them understand that the government would reject the German Bundestag’s Armenian Genocide resolution.