Initiating group in Turkey wants to confront history, Istanbul to host conference on Genocide
An initiating group comprised of Turkish journalists, lawyers and human rights defenders is preparing to hold a conference ahead of the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide with the title “1 Less than 2015: Our Past and Future”.
As reported by HyeTert, the organizers invite all interested parties to attend the conference on March 16th.
Editor of Demokrat Haber Mehmet Gyojekli says if the Turks love history, books, programs and soap operas devoted to history, they should read the history along with other Turks and find out what happened in 1915.
The organizers say the government has already started preparing for the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide. “Whereas they’re pursuing political goals, we’re preparing to talk about the reality and come to grips with our past,” says Gyojekli, underlining the fact that the Armenian Genocide of 1915 is such an important topic that it can’t be a topic for the government’s policies.
Gyojekli said every Turk must ask himself what happened in 1915 and called on everyone to fulfill his duty.
“A century ago, Assyrians made up half of the population of Hakkari, and Armenians made up half of the population of Van. Let’s try to understand where those people went and why. Aren’t you interested?” says Gyojekli, adding that their goal is to simply discuss and talk and stop acting as if no such tragedy took place on these lands.
Gyojekli notes that the Turks need to confront their past in order to create a future of freedom, equality and democracy.