New Djulfa hosts exclusive exhibition of Iranian-Armenians’ costumes

From February 20 to 25, at the initiative of the superintendents, teachers and parents’ council of Kananian All-Girls’ School of the Armenian National Educational Complex of New Djulfa, the Alenoush Terian Hall of the Educational Complex hosted an exclusive exhibition of Iranian-Armenian national costumes. The exhibition was dedicated to the 37th anniversary of the Victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, reports Yeranoush Tahmazian to Hayern Aysor.

The official opening of the exhibition was held on February with the participation of leader of the Armenian Diocese of Isfahan, His Grace, Father, Archbishop Babken Charian, representatives of national authorities, unions, societies and associations, representatives of the Armenian National Educational Complex, parents and several other guests.

After the ribbon was cut, the attendees were greeted by the School’s deputy superintendent Rima Simonian, after which librarian Karin Ter-Martirosian and the School’s superintendent, Mrs. Salarifar gave their speeches. Afterwards, the attendees toured the exhibition showcasing items classified with high taste and leaving the impression of a museum. The exhibition showcased the costumes of New Djulfa, Peria and Chaharmahal, as well as the costumes of teachers and students. The photos showed Armenian costumes of different regions of Iran from the 17th to 20th centuries, as well as the clothes of different layers of Iranian-Armenian society, including khojas, teachers, students, brides, grooms and villagers. What was also interesting was the knitted red and green and the decorated sugar pair, which Iranian-Armenians have preserved to this day.

Let us mention that unions, societies and associations and individuals helped make the exhibition a success.

Photos by Yeranoush Tahmazian

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