President participated at the event dedicated to the commemoration of Saint Sargys Warrior

Today, at the Saint Sargys Church of the Ararat Patriarchal diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Saint Church President Serzh Sargsyan participated at the event dedicated to the Saint Sargys Warrior, which was performed by His Eminence Archbishop Navasard Kdjoyan, Primate of the Pontifical Diocese of Ararat. In the framework of the event, there took place the ceremony of blessing of the young soldiers who demonstrated outstanding achievements during their military service on the frontlines of the state border. Twenty-five servicemen, who conducted combat duty in the border area, on the occasion of the Saint Sargys holiday were decorated by the Ararat Patriarchal diocese with the symbolic medallions depicting S. Sargys Warrior and souvenirs symbolizing this holiday. The official award ceremony took place at the Prelacy.

The event dedicated to Saint Sargys holiday, which was proclaimed the Youth Blessing Day, was conducted under the leadership of His Holiness, Catholicos of All Armenian Garegin II and was attended by the family members of the servicemen, RA Minister of Defense, Mayor of Yerevan, and high ranking military.

On the occasion of the holiday, President Sargsyan made congratulatory remarks.

“Distinguished Parents,
Dear Soldiers,

It is my great pleasure to congratulate you on the occasion of today’s holiday – Saint Sargys holiday. Warrior Sargys is the saint of military, youth, love and loyalty, which means that he is the saint of the faithful. Hence, I would like to especially congratulate troops present here today, who after being drafted to the Armenian Army, from regular troops have become the soldiers of Motherland. Only those who realize, who are convinced that our Motherland’s security, our Motherland’s defense depends on each and every one of us can be a soldier of Motherland. If in that multitude just one fails in the execution of his duties, the others have to face extra difficulties. Only those who realize that by the full and comprehensive execution of their responsibilities, of their duty they first of all defend their parents, their sisters and brothers, the future mothers of their children, their hearth and in all that – our Homeland, can be the soldiers of Motherland.

Dear Soldiers,

I would like to thank you parents, your teachers, all those, who regardless of the social situation, with great difficulties, gave you birth, raised and educated you, so that you have become true citizens of our Motherland. My deepest thanks to you, dear Parents.

I would like, dear Soldiers, to wish you good service, safe service. I want you to know that I, as the Commander-in-Chief as well as the Minister of Defense as a person who is engaged in all affairs and problems of our Armed Forces twenty-four hours a day, do everything so that you have contemporary weaponry, so that in the sector, which you are responsible for, there is no tension. I want to assure you all that we have never made defense, security of our Motherland a bargaining chip and never will. Be assured that the contribution of those who served before you and, of course, of those whom we lost in the line of duty, will become the foundation on which the Republic of Armenia will be become an invincible, strong state. And as a token of appreciation for your excellent service, I have asked the Minister of Defense that those of you who serve today get a ten day leave, so that you can spend them with your families and friends.

I once again cordially congratulate you all and thank you for being worthy citizens of the Republic of Armenia.”

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