Armenians among victims in plane crash in Russia

All nine victims of the plane crash that took place near the dam in Istrinsk (Russian Federation) have been identified.

As reports “Armenpress”, citing LifeNews’s sources, the clash between the Robinson44 helicopter and the Sesna plane left at least two Armenians killed. Among the victims were two minors. At the moment of accident, the people in the plane were pilot Mikhail Yermolchev, passengers Larisa Manukyan, Paruyr Manukyan, a minor by the name of Eric (last name not identified) and a minor by the name of Afelia G. The  people in the helicopter ridden by an experienced pilot and sport master Vadim Bukhtiyarov were Olga Bagrova, Elizaveta (last name not identified) and Memed Razayev. All the pilots and passengers died. Representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations managed to bring their bodies out of the water.

The plane crash took place on the evening of August 8.

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