Participants of “Diaspora” Summer School Program attended presentation of books published by Armenia’s publishing houses and provided to Armenian schools abroad

On July 21, the participants of the accelerated Armenian language courses and courses for Armenian language teachers and organizers of education of Armenian schools of the Diaspora, which are part of the “Diaspora” Summer School Program organized by the RA Ministry of Diaspora, attended the presentation of the textbooks, popular books, supporting materials, children’s books and electronic books provided to Armenian schools of the Diaspora by Zangak, Edit-Print, Arevik, Lusabats, Manmar, Areg and Locator Publishing Houses.
The goal of the event was to introduce the Diaspora Armenian teachers to the books that Armenia’s publishing houses publish for Armenian schools in the Diaspora.
The participants were especially introduced to many textbooks, methodological manuals, handbooks, curricula, instructional materials, including compact discs, modern DVDs and interactive games. The 3D interactive DVD called “Armenian Treasures”, which presents nine churches in Armenia and has been released by Locator LTD, sparked great interest among the participants.
The participants of the summer school program asked the employees of the RA Ministry of Diaspora and the directors of the publishing houses their questions of concern. They also talked about the problems facing Armenian schools abroad and said they needed instructional materials.
The Diaspora Armenian teachers said they were pleased to mention that their schools receive textbooks and supporting materials through the “Development of Textbooks and Supporting Materials and Provision to Armenian Educational Institutions of the Diaspora” Program.
The participants made suggestions, one of which was to teach Armenian as a second language and to create textbooks and supporting materials based on different languages.
Afterwards, the participants toured the printing home of Zangak 97 Publishing House and took part in the presentation of the latest textbooks and electronic materials for Armenian schools of the Diaspora.