The Organization “The Armenians of St. Petersburg” presented Armenian culture at the festival “The Imperial Gardens of Russia”

The VIII international festival of garden art and landscape architecture “Imperial Gardens of Russia”is held
In St. Petersburg in the Mikhailovsky garden.

The Armenian culture was presented on 13th of june, as part of the program of the festival.

At the beginning of the program,  The Chairman of the Regional public organization “The Armenians of St. Petersburg” Alexander Nazarovwelcomed the audience and read the poem “Armenia” of St. Petersburg poet Sergei Gorodetsky Then, the audience was shown a  theatre-musical composition “Letters from Armenia”,  directed by Dmitry Fetisov, with the participation of an actress Veronica Tretyakova and a saxophonist Maxim Khachaturian.

State Russian Museum holds the festival “The Imperial Gardens of Russia”  since 2008.

The theme of the festival of the year 2015 is “Gardens of the Great silk Road”.

Regional public organization “The Armenians of St. Petersburg” participates in the festival by the invitation of the State Russian Museum.

Vestnik Armyan Peterburga

Photo by Lilith O’riordan

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