Belgian political parties drafting new bill on Armenian Genocide

Belgium’s pro-government political parties will be submitting to the Belgian parliament a new bill on the Armenian Genocide. Leader of the Valon Liberal Party Denis Dujarme said the parties have been drafting the bill for a long time, reports

Dujarme mentioned that the bill began to be drafted before member of the Humanist Democratic Centre (HDC) party, MP Muhinar Ozdemir, who is of Turkish descent, was dismissed from the party for denying the Armenian Genocide.

The Turkish TRThaber reports that the bill will be discussed in parliament before the end of the year and might also be supported by oppositional parties.

Let us remind that the Senate of Belgium recognized the Armenian Genocide in 1998.

On May 1, 2015, Members of Parliament representing the French community of Belgium respected the memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide with a moment of silence during a plenary session.

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