SME DNC helped implement 365 beginning businessmen’s business plans

The Small and Medium Entrepreneurship Development National Center has helped implement 365 beginning businessmen’s business plans through its Support to Beginning Businessmen Program.

As press secretary of the SME DNC Fund David Muradyan told “ArmenPress”, the major businesses were in the spheres of production, services and trade.”The main emphasis is on growth of production. More than 70 percent of the businesses are distributed in Armenia’s provinces and are aimed at promoting economic activity in the provinces,” mentioned Muradyan.

Through the Support to Beginning Businessmen Program, the participants have the opportunity to take advantage of SME DNC’s financial support instruments. According to David Muradyan, the SME DNC has provided 430 million drams in loans to beginning businessmen between the years of 2006 and 2013, and the warrant is 487 million drams. “The viable business plans are presented for loans through the partnering banks of the SME DNC. The businessmen are provided with a maximum of 5 million drams with a 10 percent annual interest rate, and Armenia’s SME DNC provides 100 percent warrants to the businessmen,” said Muradyan.

The beginning businessmen participating in the Support to Beginning Businessmen Program, which was created in 2006, gain knowledge in planning, marketing, management, production and financial planning and acquire the skills they need to have as businessmen. During the program, experienced professionals guide the beginning businessmen as they develop and implement their business plans.

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