Buying a Forget Me Not for 500 drams through “Flowers of Life” (Forget Me Not) charity act can help give birth to more Armenians

The “Flowers of Life” charity act kicked off at the Komitas Museum-Institute on February 25 with the purpose of helping families having problems with having a child through the “Aragil” Foundation for Support to Reproductive Medicine. Those wishing to join the pan-Armenian initiative may visit and buy the “Flowers of Life” (Forget Me Not) for only 500 drams, as Artsakhpress reports.

During a press conference, creator and director of the “Flowers of Life” charity act Kristina Harutyunyan shared the story that became a unique motive to start the charity act. According to Harutyunyan, Armenians need to fight against the consequences of the Armenian Genocide by taking action and giving life to several Armenians in memory of the 1.5 million innocent victims. “I had health problems years ago and I might never have had a child. I have felt the difficult moment when nothing could fill the emptiness in my heart and soul. Fortunately, today I have two children, and I thank God for that. That was the reason why I came up with the idea of carrying out a program that would help disadvantaged families having problems with reproduction feel the joy of having a child,” Kristina Harutyunyan said.

When Kristina addressed “Aragil” Foundation, it didn’t take too long before she got an answer. The results can be tangible, if all Armenians, businesspeople and organizations come together around the slogan “Give Life to a New Armenian”. The organizers of the charity act have set a benchmark to sell 15 million “Flowers of Life” to help provide medical assistance to 6,000 Armenian families having problems with reproduction.

Director of “Aragil” Foundation Susanna Gabrielyan thanked RA First Lady Rita Sargsyan because the charity act wouldn’t have been possible without her support. Susanna Gabrielyan also presented the results that “Aragil” Foundation has achieved. “We have received 1,242 couples, of which 442 have received passes to medical institutions. Medical intervention has been organized for 224 couples, 112 pregnancies have been recorded and 61 mothers have given birth to 82 children. Currently, 26 couples are waiting for a child, and 25 couples haven’t been able to maintain pregnancy,” Susanna Gabrielyan.

On average, each couple spends the equivalent of $4-5,000 dollars in drams. Pediatrician-gynecologist, Vice-President of the Armenian Association for Reproductive Medicine Karine Tokhunts called on everyone to join the charity act and buy a Forget Me Not flower that will help give birth to Armenian children. According to the organizers, there are already organizations that have joined the charity act.

The “Flowers of Life” charity act will end on April 24th.

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