Union of Armenians of Bulgaria strictly condemns terrorist act in France
On January 12, President of the Union of Armenians of Bulgaria Harutyun Hovsepyan sent a letter of condolence to French Ambassador to Bulgaria Ksavier Laper deau Kaban, in which, on behalf of the UAB, he expressed his condolences to the people of France and strictly condemned the Muslim extremists’ terrorist acts against Charlie Hebdo Weekly and on the streets of Paris, as the UAB’s press service reports.
“Such behavior of the Muslim extremists is definitely inacceptable and can’t be justified at all, especially when such elements, taking advantage of the French people’s hospitality, try to affirm their extremism through violence in a country that is the symbol of freedom of speech, democracy and human rights.
The Union of Armenians of Bulgaria expresses its support to the French authorities in the fight against terrorism and Islamic extremism.
We wish God’s blessings and the console of the Holy Spirit to our fraternal people of France,” as stated in Harutyun Hovsepyan’s letter.