To share the pain, or restore justice?-Ara Toranian has quoted Ara Toranian’s article printed in Nouvelles d’Arménie with reductions.

The concept of “shared pain”, which is the newest transformation of Turkey’s diplomacy aimed at avoiding recognition of the Armenian Genocide, was severely challenged during Hasan Jemal’s two press conferences in Paris recently. Hasan Jemal, grandson of Jemal Pasha, who was one of the three organizers of the Armenian Genocide, has responded to Ankara’s proposal to compare the pain of the Armenians and the Turks in the Great War with the desire for recognition of the Armenian Genocide, which is a way of sharing the pain of the Armenians.

In any case, it’s a little strange to discuss pain. It’s self-explanatory that the Turks, like many other civilians, suffered during WWI, just like the Germans did during WWII, especially at the end. Nobody denies that. However, the attempts to present the sufferings of Turks and Armenians as proportionate are overtly distracting maneuvers, and everyone can see this trap.

The crime committed against humanity in 1915 is not the only source of misery. It requires reparation and the restoration of rights. In addition, the pain of the Armenian people or the lack of it refers to just that. The Armenian people don’t need any responses. The Armenian people aren’t demanding tears to fall from people’s eyes, but they are demanding justice. Compassion can’t replace reparation. Gone are the days of showing compassion for the victims. The only thing left is to fight for the sake of their remembrance, and that includes the fight for Armenia’s defense, for the liberty of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, for Turkey’s recognition of the Armenian Genocide and for Armenians to see justice served. Gone are the days of feeling pity. We expect to see Turkey at the political level on which peace will be established and justice will be served in the region.

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