Etyen Mahçupyan’s appointment a political maneuver ahead of Armenian Genocide Centennial?
The Turkish ASIMDER anti-Armenian organization (Organization for Groundless Claims Against the Armenians) has issued a statement against the appointment of Etyen Mahçupyan as Senior Advisor to Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, reports Mahçupyan is of Armenian descent.
In the statement issued by the president of that organization Gioksel Giulbey, who is known for fighting against international recognition of the Armenian Genocide, it is stated that the appointment of Etyen Mahçupyan as Senior Advisor to the Prime Minister is very troubling since Mahçupyan recognizes the Armenian Genocide, writes articles urging the Turks to apologize, has written articles for Agos Weekly and has given analyses in the “Parallel Structure” (Gulenian Community-EH) newspaper.
In his statement, Gyulbey didn’t forget to mention once again the organization’s allegations against the Armenians, which have become the major point for that organization. The organization claims that the Armenians became allies with the Ottoman Empire with Russia and Europe, which wanted to destroy the Ottoman Empire, and they caused an upheaval.
Gyulbey mentioned that perhaps that appointment is a political maneuver ahead of the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide, but that appointment will make Armenian lobbyists feel more confident and will make certain Turkish non-governmental organizations serving the Armenian lobbying work harder.
According to Turkey’s Yurt Haber news portal, Gyulbey has called on Prime Minister Davutoglu and state officials to reject that appointment, saying that is very painful for the families of diplomats who died as a result of the actions taken by them and ASALA.
“Dear Prime Minister, we urge you not to ruin everything,” Gyulbey said in closing.