School to open in Artsakh with support from the Union of Armenians of Russia

According to tradition, the Days of the Union of Armenians of Russia and the World Armenian Congress will kick off in Yerevan on 14 October.

According to “ArmenPress”, the major event will be the opening of a middle school in Artsakh. “The school is designed for 650 students and was built through the allocation of $4,000,000 dollars,” President of the Union of Armenians of Russia Ara Abrahamyan said during a meeting held on 13 October. Abrahamyan mentioned that the Union of Armenians of Russia and the World Armenian Congress have been holding events and carrying out charity acts for the past 15 years already.

“We hold competitions in more than 700 schools and universities in Armenia and Artsakh. We will be holding the third Russian language and song competition in 1,400 schools. We also have many programs for next year, including remembrance events, which will be held in Moscow and several parts of the Russian Federation on the occasion of the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide,” Ara Abrahamyan said.

The Union has also undertaken the renovation of the building for the Union of the Visually Impaired. According to Abrahamyan, construction will end next year and will have a new look and accommodations. Ara Abrahamyan stressed the fat that construction of the Holy Cross Russian Orthodox Church is under construction in Yerevan and will be opened in the frames of the Days of the Union of Armenians of Russia and the World Armenian Congress to be held in October 2015.


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