RA President participated in the closing ceremony of the 5th Armenia-Diaspora Conference

On September 20, RA President Serzh Sargsyan participated in the final, plenary session of the 5th Armenia-Diaspora Conference held at the Alexander Spendiaryan National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet.

In his speech, the head of state particularly mentioned the following: “The free and independent Republic of Armenia hosted the Armenia-Diaspora Conference once again. The people gathered in this hall are clergymen, leaders and representatives of pan-Armenian organizations and community organizations, journalists, as well as reputable individuals who play a huge role.

I cordially welcome all of you to the Homeland. No matter how difficult the road is, all children return to their families, and this fifth meeting is like a family reunion.

Reflecting on the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide, the President mentioned: “In 2015, we will be commemorating the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide. This will reaffirm the will and determination of the Armenian nation deprived of its homeland to live and create and will show our unity and how consistent we are to make our wishes come true. The year 2015 will become a year of serious events and initiatives for the Armenia-Diaspora-Artsakh triumvirate.”

Talking about Armenians having emigrated from Syria, the head of state mentioned: “They are part of our ancestors who survived the Armenian Genocide. They traveled to different countries and managed to preserve the national image and “Armenianness”.”

President Serzh Sargsyan added: “Unfortunately, the conflicts in the region are growing, and our ultimate objective must be to respond to the pain and suffering of every Armenian undergoing trials and tribulations in any part of the world, regardless of distance, as well as to help and support them through combined efforts.”

Attaching special importance to the role of the Armenian language in the preservation of the Armenian identity abroad, the Republic of Armenia stressed the following: “Knowledge of the native language, transmitting it to the future generations is a key objective for our nation. Therefore, the important duty of everyone gathered here is to use all the ways, methods and mechanisms to make the yough speak Armenian and show love and admiration for the native language. The major guarantees for preservation of the Armenian identity are Armenian language, Armenian family and language and getting to know the real homeland.”

In closing, RA President Serzh Sargsyan congratulated everyone on the 23rd anniversary of Armenian Independence and called on all Armenians to keep strengthening their bonds with the homeland.

Chief of Staff of the RA President Vigen Sargsyan talked about the events dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide and stated that the creation of the State Commission in charge of Coordination of Events Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and more than 50 regional committees brought a new sweep to the processes for recognition and condemnation and elimination of the consequences of the Armenian Genocide that was planned and perpetrated at the state level in Ottoman Turkey and Western Armenia.

Sargsyan stressed the fact that the year 2015 shouldn’t just be a year of sorrow and mourning. “When our enemy was killing and massacring us in the early 20th century, it wanted to see the Armenians split apart and deceived,” the Chief of Staff of the RA President mentioned, adding that in spite of that desire, today there is the strong unity between Armenia, Artsakh and the Diaspora.

Director of the Office for Armenian Cause and Political Affairs of the ARF-D Giro Manoyan presented the results of the panel session devoted to “International Recognition and Condemnation and Elimination of the Consequences of the Armenian Genocide”, stating that the recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide and elimination of the consequences will remain on the agenda of our political struggle, and we’ll reach a final solution to the Armenian Cause by combining the efforts of all Armenians.

Press secretary of the Diocese of Aleppo, general speaker of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Armenian Catholic School and the Armenian Evangelical communities (Syria) Jirair Reyisian presented the results of the panel session devoted to the “Issues of the Syrian-Armenian Community”, stating that the current conflicts in different parts of the world present a danger to all Armenians and are a serious challenge for the Republic of Armenia now.

Head of the Coordinating Body for the Pan-Armenian Forum of Journalists, Editor-in-Chief of Aztag Daily (Lebanon) Shahan Kantaharian presented the results of the 7th Pan-Armenian Forum of Journalists, stating that due to the national priorities and the current challenges, from now on, Armenians must be more consistent and carry out systematically planned activities to raise the level of awareness of the international community about Armenia and the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, take specific steps against Turkey’s and Azerbaijan’s misinformation and combine efforts to discuss Armenians’ issues in foreign language mass media and contribute to the solution to the Armenian Cause.

RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan gave a closing speech devoted to the 5th Armenia-Diaspora Conference.

The RA Minister of Diaspora divided the issues raised at the conference into two parts-mechanisms having been used to develop the partnership and creating new mechanisms.

Hranush Hakobyan also stressed the fact that the Ministry of Diaspora has completed all the assignments that the President of the Republic  has assigned them to do. In particular, a connection was established with all religious and pan-Armenian organizations of the Diaspora.

The RA Minister of Diaspora thanked the President of Armenia for making the suggestion to create a Pan-Armenian Council and underlined the fact that that would definitely be created.

Minister Hranush Hakobyan mentioned: “Dear Mr. President, by your assignment, we are also undertaking the creation of a pan-Armenian television channel.”

The RA Minister of Diaspora also presented the proposal to create a group of representatives of the Diaspora within the RA National Assembly-a proposal that has been made several times.

In the end, the RA Minister of Diaspora underlined: “We are strong together and will write new pages in our history and future for the independent and victorious Artsakh and the organized Diaspora.”

In the end, Editor-in-Chief of Lebanon’s Khosnag magazine Hampig Mardirossian read the declaration adopted by the participants of the 5th Armenia-Diaspora Conference.

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