Oshakan preparing to host participants of “My Armenia” Pan-Armenian Festival

Beautiful nature, the hospitality of the residents of Oshakan, tasty pastry, songs, dances, a celebration-this is all part of the 2nd “My Armenia” Pan-Armenian Festival organized by the RA Ministry of Diaspora and will be a part of the “Gyughi Tatik” (Grandmother of the Village) traditional pastry day event to be held in Oshakan for the dance ensembles from Armenia and the Diaspora on July 5.
The following is how the idea was born: “One time, we hosted Mr. Haroyan (director of “My Armenia” Pan-Armenian Festival-ed.) at our house. Seeing the spacious area and the hospitality, he decided to spend one of the days of the festival in Oshakan and to be hosted by the “Gyughi Tatik” (Grandmother of the Village). We agreed with pleasure and started preparations. It’s a great honor for us to host the Diaspora Armenian youth in our village,” said President of the “Gyughi Tatik” (Grandmother of the Village) NGO Vera Zakaryan-Grigoryan in an interview with “Hayern Aysor”. Zakaryan-Grigoryan is one of the organizers of this event.
Mrs. Zakaryan-Grigoryan said there is a beautiful area in Oshakan surrounded by trees and will serve as a unique “stage” for performances of songs, dances and poems. There will be booths presenting the pastry of Oshakan and everything that is made traditionally in Oshakan. The members of the dance ensembles will join the residents in making Sujukh. The grandmothers of the village led by 92-year old Tamar will serve their Sujukh to the young Diaspora Armenians and will give them gifts with an “addition” of old women’s wishes and blessings.
Besides the performances by the Diaspora Armenian dance ensembles, there will also be performances of songs, dances and poetry of Oshakan by the villagers of all generations, including children attending the local kindergarten, schoolchildren and youth. The wonderful folk instruments ensemble of Oshakan will perform under the direction of Ashot Amirbekyan, and young painters and sculptors will showcase their works. The members of the painting club of the Cultural Center in Oshakan will participate in a painting exhibition called “My Armenia”.
“The elders will host a reception. The residents of Oshakan who are aware of the event are doing their best to help. It’s going to be very interesting,” Mrs. Zakaryan-Grigoryan added.
We cordially invite everyone to Oshakan to take part in this wonderful celebration. The day will be a day of the nation and a soulful celebration in Oshakan. The Diaspora Armenians, with their dances and “longing”, and the hospital residents of Oshakan, with their crops and pastry, will warm each other’s hearts and the hearts of the gathered. The spirit of dance will serve as a bridge between not only Armenia and the Diaspora, but also between the communities of the Armenian Diaspora.
And so, we meet in Oshakan on July 5.
Lusine Abrahamyan