Folk song and dance event in honor of newly elected Prelate of the Canadian-Armenian Diocese

On Saturday, June 28, 2014, the Sasun Dance Ensemble of the Holy Trinity Church of Toronto led by artistic director Joe Avagian participated in a folk song-dance event of the Land of Sasun in Laval in honor of newly elected Prelate of the Canadian-Armenian Diocese, Father, Archimandrite Abgar Hovakimyan. The event included performances of the traditional songs of Sasun and Armenian songs by famous singer from Armenia, Ruben Sasuntsi. Hundreds of Armenian citizens, clergymen and members of organizations took part in this concert dedicated to the newly elected prelate and organized by the parish council of the St. Gregory the Illuminator Church of Montreal and the Holy Cross Church of Laval.

On Sunday, June 29, 2014, the newly elected Prelate of the Canadian-Armenian Diocese, Father, Archimandrite Abgar Hovakimyan served his first Divine Liturgy at the St. Gregory the Illuminator Church of Montreal, which was held under the direction of His Eminence, Father, Archbishop Nathan Hovhannisian and was attended by several faithful Armenians, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to Canada Armen Yeganyan and the honorable Mrs. Maria Yeganian, members of the Diocesan Council and the bodies adjunct to the Prelacy, the members of the parishes of Toronto, Montreal and Laval, as well as members of Armenian unions and organizations in Montreal and Laval. The Divine Liturgy also included the transfer of the crosier of the Prelate, after which the newly elected Holy Father conveyed his message of the day and gave his sermon.

The Divine Liturgy was followed by a reception for the Prelate at the Marie Manoogian Hall of the church, as well as Archbishop Nathan Hovhannisian’s speech in which he expressed gratitude and bid farewell. Mrs. Liza Svajian welcomed the Holy Father and provided information about his life. The speech was followed by speeches by the Armenian Ambassador to Canada, spiritual pastor of the St. Gregory the Illuminator Church, Priest Vazgen Boyajyan; spiritual pastor of the Holy Trinity Church of Toronto, Priest Zaren A. Zargaryan. As a token of appreciation of His Eminence, Father, Archbishop Nathan Hovhannisyan received an Episcopal ring for service in the office of Vicar of the Prelacy for one year, after which His Holiness gave his words of advice and expressed his wishes to the gathered, wishing the Prelate success in his service. His Holiness Nathan will return to the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin in the next couple of days.

Father, Priest Muron Sarkisian

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