Students of Armenian Sunday school visited the Embassy of Armenia in the Russian Federation

On May 27, with the support of the RA Embassy in Moscow and upon the request of the Sunday school of the Armenian community of Dolgoprudni city of Moscow region, a tour was organized for the students to the RA Embassy.

With the accompaniment of the Embassy’s staff, the students were provided with the opportunity to visit the 200-year old building (of the Embassy) of Lazaryan Lyceum and received information about the history of the Lazaryans and the highly valuable historical and cultural monuments preserved near the embassy. During the tour, the schoolchildren, with the accompaniment of the school’s Armenian language and literature teacher A. Khudaverdyan and the Embassy’s diplomats, visited the museum of the Embassy where they became familiar with old documents relating to the history of the Lazaryans and the embassy.

   In the end, the schoolchildren recited poems by classic Armenian poets.

The event was organized and held with the support of the Embassy’s Advisor M. Babayan and Second Secretary V. Melkumova, reports the RA Embassy in Moscow to “Hayern Aysor”.

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