Exhibition “The Armenian Church in Novi Sad: Erased Heritage” held in Novi Sad

On May 15, the exhibition entitled “The Armenian Church in Novi Sad: Erased Heritage” was opened as part of the Foreign Arts Collection of the museum in Novi Sad, Serbia.
RA Honorary Consul in Serbia Predrag Tomich solemnly opened the exhibition and gave a speech.
The exhibition held upon the initiative of the museum’s advisor, art critic Liliana Lazich and her book were devoted to the history of the Saint Gregory the Illuminator Church, which was established by the Armenians of Novi Sad in 1746 and destroyed for the construction of Marshal Tito Square in 1963.
The visitors had the chance to become familiar with the history of the Armenian community of Novi Sad, understand its origin, traditions and religion through the different books, accessories, paintings and clothes that were characteristic of the church. The second section of the exhibition included the works of modern painters who have portrayed the uniqueness of the Armenian Church of Novi Sad in their paintings.
The exhibition will run until August 31st, reports the RA MFA press office to “Hayern Aysor”.