RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan receives composer, musician Ara Gevorgyan and young director of Montreal’s Imperial Symphony Orchestra Lori Andounian

On 13 May, RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan received composer, musician Ara Gevorgyan and young director of Montreal’s Imperial Symphony Orchestra Lori Andounian.

Praising Ara Gevorgyan’s efforts aimed at disseminating Armenian music in the Armenian communities of the Diaspora, the RA Minister of Diaspora mentioned: “You are able to engage Armenian and foreign musicians during your concerts abroad and make the foreign musicians’ art more familiar in Armenia as well.”

In 2011, musician Lori Andounian performed during Ara Gevorgyan’s concert dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Armenia and to the Centennial of the AGBU sponsored by the RA Ministry of Diaspora in Buenos Aires.

The founding director of Montreal Imperial Symphony Orchestra mentioned that he has given several concerts abroad and that his only wish is to give a concert in the Homeland.

In the end, RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan added with satisfaction: “It’s nice to see young talented Diaspora Armenians express the desire to return and settle in the Homeland. The RA Ministry of Diaspora will help you give a concert in Armenia.”

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