Power restored in Aleppo after six-day interval

After a six-day interval, power has been restored in Aleppo. The city had been out of electricity since Jan. 3 due to a power outage.

The citizens also lack water and receive some water from several Armenian clubs from time to time.

Aleppo-Armenians rang in the New Year not only in darkness, but amid explosions of several boxes as well. In spite of all the difficulties, a Divine Christmas Liturgy was served at all Armenian churches, and the students of Armenian schools and university students took their exams for the semester.

The war has taken the lives of a total of 91 Armenians (66 from Aleppo, 19 from Damascus, 4 from Hasake and 2 from Latakia) and has injured 203. Overall, 117 Armenians have been kidnapped.




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