President Armen Sarkissian met with the representatives of the Armenian community of Belarus

President Armen Sarkissian, who is in the Republic of Belarus on a working visit, and his delegation in the evening of October 29 met with the representatives of the Armenian community of Belarus.
The President greeted the participants of the meeting who represent not only the community organizations but also business and scientific circles of Belarus. “For me, it is important and pleasing to start visits abroad with the meetings with the Armenian community because it gives a feeling of being in a dear place. I would like our dialogue to unfold, would like to hear about the issues that concern you and your anticipations from the Armenian authorities,” the President of Armenia said.
During a candid conversation, discussed were the Armenian-Belarus relations, the role of the Armenian community in deepening the bilateral economic and cultural ties, opportunities to implement joint programs, as well as issues related to the community’s daily life. They also spoke about Armenia-Spyurk relations, avenues to use potential existing in Spyurk, and Armenia’s development prospects.
President Sarkissian responded to the questions related to Armenia’s internal and foreign policies, as well as shared some information on the meetings to be held in the framework of the visit.
Speaking about the participation of the Armenian delegation in the meeting of the Core Group of the Munich Security Conference, President Sarkissian highlighted the importance of Armenia’s presence in different international organizations and reputable platforms which provides our country with the opportunity to present itself anew in international relations.
Representatives of the community spoke of the importance of such meetings with the leadership of Armenia and noted that they allow to feel that they are part of Fatherland, to learn about events in Armenia and to engage as much as possible in the task of building the economically strong and prosperous Armenia.