Repatriate Syrian-Armenian singer Kevork Hadjian presents music video for song “Haratev Kriv” (Eternal Battle) (video)

Syrian-Armenian repatriate singer Kevork Hadjian recently presented the music video for his song “Haratev Kriv” (Eternal Battle).
Talking about the making of the music video in an interview with Hayern Aysor, the singer said his vocal skills had been considered when the song was being written. The song is being performed for the first time and is dedicated to the memory of the sons of the Armenian nation who died in the Artsakh war.
Kevork Hadjian stated that he had to support Armenian soldiers and reinforce them with his song.
The creation of this song is linked to the Four-Day Artsakh War in April 2016. When the singer returned from New York in May 2016, he visited Artsakh to celebrate the victories of the Battles of May along with the brave Armenian soldiers of Artsakh. The song “Haratev Kriv” (Eternal Battle) will be heard in the documentary film devoted to the topic. The idea was conceived by the film’s director Samvel Tadevosyan.
Kevork Hadjian added that the music video will help reinforce the idea of a nation-army and strengthen the patriotic spirit. The music video was made with the great support of the Ministries of Defense of the Republic of Armenia and Artsakh.